#5 Meeting conclusion
- Onboarding questionnaire: Feb target gets a less than 15 minutes @KlayY investigation with points system @Muhammad Ilyas.
- SCGP, Game: game design(@KlayY and operation design @Netboy Jhf
- Crypto Coffee needs another girl @Muhammad Ilyas recruited one
- Email account and NFT and beacon @Netboy Jhf
Investigation and research: Blockchain in Asia
Focus on questions:
What is the meaning of Blockchain to Asian people?
What is their imagination of them with Blockchain?
How can we help Asians to get the Ethereum human digital future?
- Design the research
- Questions
- Attendees: In each country in Asia, 3 people join
- Allocate the working module
- Scale table design with questions
- Onboarding questions design
- Personal information and attitude to blockchain
- Motivation for joining the CMUBA
- finish it with an academic questionnaire and an onboarding question
- Blockchain in Asia
- Focus group method
- Qualitative method
Learn & Build for Asia
Learn: Hacker Road Plan