
What do we want?

Just introduce the Blockchain to the Public to swipe the fears or misunderstandings of Crypto with A CUP of free coffee.

We can have a demo account, where they can login, earn point by participating in activities and later can use that point from buying something from official community market.

What do you need to do?

Sponsors and recommendations for hot places.

Targeting events (Like the flower festival or CMU events), where we can get access to diversity easily within a specified area.

Coffee machine(buy one)

Coffee bean(will cooperate with Agriculture Faculty to buy or we can have a small survey from the market to explore different economical options as well. There are some villages near Chiangmai like Doi Poi, having fields for beans)

A car (renting fee)

A roll-up with your QR (help you to print)

A tablet or IPAD

Make video of events like this to post on social media pages, for which I have made an active plan.

What will you get?

Print your community LOGO and 5 words in CUP.

Spread your community in these places with a schedule.

Access diverse community