Project Grants

  1. Email

[email protected]

  1. Organization Name

Name of your team or organization. If you do not have an organization name, write "N/A”


  1. Team profile*

Briefly describe your organization. Provide links to previous work. How is your organization suited to the project's objectives, and how does it provide the necessary expertise?

AAStar^’s mission: Leverage Up the Power of Community for Ethereum AA Roadmap. AAStar^ is a subgroup of Plancker^ community. We launched AAStar after a conversation with Vitalik at Zuzalu, Mountainegro in 2022. We will commit to Ethereum for long-term contribution and construction. We will focus on Account Abstraction in the Ethereum Roadmap. We provide not only open-source components but also total solutions for end users, project launchers, and ecosystem partners.

We have 3 full-time, and more bounty-based contributors.

Team Profile

Some research articles: Research list AAStar Working Docs

  1. Twitter/Website