- What do zuzalu.city need?
- A Taobao system
- What do AAStar have?
- AA ability for quick selling and buying and more
- What is the mission of zuzalu.city?
- Support community?
Initial meeting
- Thursday, 19th Sep, first meeting with Zucity
- Demo show and confirm the cooperation with AAStar team
- Monday, 23rd Sep, second meeting
- demo show again, and zucity production introduction
- Discuss about the zuStore or zuShop or ??
- Four main modules:
- Shelfing/Upload items
- Items show: shop show and square show(all items)
- Buy items /credential verification, NFT holder, pass holder
- Purchased items/ Support EOA wallet(many plugins) to buy(support AAStar Account basically)
- Background modules:
- Register/Login with AAStar Account system
- Create a community/import a community and create a AAStar Account
- Create a shop/upload/sell/buy
- Support ERC20/NFT redeem(like a coupon)
- Only support Face2face trading for now
- Infura for the shop systems
- Racks contract
- save item and inventory, description in IPFS or other place
- sold out and reduce inventory(asynchronous update)
- transaction fee for infura support
- DVT for fingerprint verification
- at least 4-5
- Community node project should be done
- Improve the trustiness and guarantee higher security
- TEE introduce(better to have)
- Daily limitation(better to have)
- Security Test( lose private key, lose nothing)
From Oct
we got a bi-weekly meeting with each our product team and daily chat in Element.
18th Nov, BKK
QJ and Jason talked about the cooperation mode in the future.
And the detail task for AAStar now to contribute to the zuzalu.city project.