- What do zuzalu.city need?
- A Taobao system
- What do AAStar have?
- AA ability for quick selling and buying and more
- What is the mission of zuzalu.city?
- Support community?
- Thursday, 19th Sep, first meeting with Zucity
- Demo show and confirm the cooperation with AAStar team
- Monday, 23rd Sep, second meeting
- demo show again, and zucity production introduction
- Discuss about the zuStore or zuShop or ??
- Four main modules:
- Shelfing/Upload items
- Items show: shop show and square show(all items)
- Buy items /credential verification, NFT holder, pass holder
- Purchased items/ Support EOA wallet(many plugins) to buy(support AAStar Account basically)
- Background modules:
- Register/Login with AAStar Account system
- Create a community/import a community and create a AAStar Account
- Create a shop/upload/sell/buy
- Support ERC20/NFT redeem(like a coupon)
- Only support Face2face trading for now
- Infura for the shop systems
- Racks contract
- save item and inventory, description in IPFS or other place
- sold out and reduce inventory(asynchronous update)
- transaction fee for infura support
- DVT for fingerprint verification
- at least 4-5
- Community node project should be done
- Improve the trustiness and guarantee higher security
- TEE introduce(better to have)
- Daily limitation(better to have)
- Security Test( lose private key, lose nothing)